History of National Ozone Unit

Sri Lanka ratified as a party to Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on 15th December 1989 and Sri Lanka was named as Article 5 country since the per capita consumption of ODSs is less than 0.3 kg. Country Programme for the consumption of ODS was prepared in 1982 and submitted to the Ozone Secretariat and support to be given to Sri Lanka was determined based on this report.

For actively and systematically implementation of MP regulations and policies, the Montreal Protocol Unit (later renamed as National Ozone Unit) was established in 1994 under the Ministry of Environment. In time to time from 1996, several approvals had been obtained from the Cabinet of Ministers and issued gazette notifications under the Import & Export [Control] Act No.1 of 1969 in order to introduce and enforce certain control measures in import and consumption of ODSs to the country. 

Initial stage, phased out of aggressive ODSs such as CFC, Halons, Methyl Bromide and Carbon-tetra-chloride completed by 2010. However, Sri Lanka was able to phase out these chemicals except Methyl Bromide which was allowed to use further for Quarantine and Pre-shipment purposes by 2008 which was 2 years ahead of the schedule. This was a great achievement and therefore as recognition of our performance the ‘IMPLEMENTORS AWARD’ was awarded to Sri Lanka by the Montreal Protocol. Sri Lanka offered financial grants as incentives and technology to industrialists to convert of 3 refrigerator manufacturing lines and one perfume manufacturing plant into alternative ozone friendly technologies.

Our Address

National Ozone Unit,
Air Resources Management and National Ozone Unit
Ministry of Environment7th Floor,
"Sobadam Piyasa”, No 416/c/1,
Robert Gunawardana Mawatha,
Sri Lanka.
Tel. +94 11 2034222
      +94 11 2034221
      +94 11 2034219

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