Controlling Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS) - RPL System

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) System

Refrigerant release while repairing of RAC equipment is a cause for the damage/depletion of the Ozone Layer and global warming. Improper repair, service and maintenance practices are vulnerable for releasing refrigerants to the environment.

 Many technicians who are working in this field have obtained formal training and they are certified. However, there are number of informal technicians without proper training. Therefore, the emissions of refrigerant while servicing is happening mainly by these untrained technicians. To standardize the service of these technicians NOU has started the process to introduce a certification system after giving them a proper training and they will be awarded the certificate of Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL). Accordingly, eligible technicians were selected and directed them to follow RPL procedure. Under this program, 38 unskilled technicians were given practical training on Good Service Practices and after successful training they were awarded with RPL certificates in 2020.



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National Ozone Unit,
Air Resources Management and National Ozone Unit
Ministry of Environment7th Floor,
"Sobadam Piyasa”, No 416/c/1,
Robert Gunawardana Mawatha,
Sri Lanka.
Tel. +94 11 2034222
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